Webinar: Outdoor sport and its potential for economic growth, wellbeing and regional development

Webinar-serie: Naturen som bæredygtig idrætsarena. Potentialer og udfordringer

Webinar 3: Outdoor sport and its potential for economic growth, wellbeing and regional development
Tirsdag den 2. februar kl. 09.00-10.30

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Hvordan kan man arbejde strategisk med at udvikle netværk, klynger og samarbejder ind for outdoor-idrætten? Hvad sker der allerede på europæisk plan, som den danske outdoor-sektor med fordel kan knytte bånd til. I dette webinar (på engelsk) får vi indblik i Ativitetsøkonomien som begreb samt i inspirerende europæiske initiativer som European Network of Outdoor Sports (ENOS), EUROPARC Federation og European Outdoor Group

Tollymore National Outdoor Centre, Nordirland. Foto: Tollymore National Outdoor Centre

Tollymore National Outdoor Centre, Nordirland. Foto: Tollymore National Outdoor Centre

På engelsk: Outdoor sports have a huge potential for supporting economic growth, wellbeing and regional development, and regions, countries and stakeholders are increasingly getting their act together in promoting outdoor sports. Get an international perspective on initiatives, support mechanisms and developments in outdoor sports in Europe and find new inspiration and partners for outdoor sports in your local area.

Gratis for medlemmer af IdrætsPlatformen Danmark
Kr. 200,- ekskl moms for øvrige deltagere

Introduction by co-founder and manager, Sports Hub Denmark, Henrik H. Brandt

Introducing the Activity Economy – supporting an ecosystem for sport and active recreation
Activity Economy is a billion dollars global economy which incorporates sport, active recreation and health & wellness as well as the technology, tourism and media related to those areas. Through the activity economy, thousands of people are powering the economic and social prosperity of their communities. Learn more about the potential in identifying, connecting and co-ordinating the wide range of stakeholders driving the activity economy in countries such as Wales and Scotland. Try to imagine who the most important stakeholders in the activity economy in Denmark might be?
Svend Elkjær, founder, Sports Marketing Network, UK

Challenges and potentials for outdoor sport in Europe
The Covid-19 crisis has underlined the huge importance of access to outdoor activities for the wellbeing of the citizens in Europe, and a wide range of research has documented the potential of outdoor sports in promoting wellbeing, health, employment and economic growth in many areas of Europe. However, outdoor sports are often fragmented, overlooked and unable to make its voice heard at a local, national and European level. What are the current challenges, potentials, structures and ambitions for promoting outdoor sports in Europe? What could a country like Denmark learn from other countries or regions in Europe? What are the most relevant European initiatives for Danish stakeholders in the outdoor sector. Mike McCloure will also introduce the Tollymore, National Outdoor Centre of Norther Ireland, which has been training leaders and developing skills of participants in outdoor sports for 50 years and is currently undergoing a strategic review.
Mike McClure, president of the European Network of Outdoor Sports and Outdoor Recreation Development Officer at Sport Northern Ireland, UK

Discussion, questions, perspectives and conclusions


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